9th Street Bridge Over Gowanus To Close Nightly Through October

If you rely on the 9th Street Bridge to cross the Gowanus Canal late at night, you’ll need to look at other options for the next several months.
Community Board 6 sends word that the bridge will be closed nightly starting this Friday, April 24 through October 19 “due to construction work that the MTA contractor has to perform on the Culver Viaduct above the bridge.”

That means a particular headache for riders of the B61 bus, as it will be detoured every night from 10pm-6am during that time. From CB6:
For the entirety of this closure the B61 will be detoured nightly (10pm-6am) between 2nd Avenue and Smith Street. The westbound B61 will take 2nd Avenue to Hamilton Avenue to Smith Street then rejoin the route at 9th Street. The eastbound B61 will take Smith Street to 3rd Street to 3rd Avenue then rejoin the route at 9th Street.
You can see the re-routing in the map above.