88th Precinct Crime Statistics: Week Of October 19-25, Plus Captain Fiorillo Discusses Tackling Assaults

Compared to this time last month and two weeks ago, overall crime went up, as did crime in most individual major categories.
On the brighter side, there were no murders, rapes, sex crimes, or shootings this week, and petit larcenies went down compared to last month.
According to Captain Peter Fiorillo, commanding officer of the 88th Precinct, the neighborhood has been doing “fairly well” with robberies, dropping to 8 in September-October compared to 20 this time last year. He credited the “benefits of our work at the start of the year,” particularly catching prolific offenders who were committing the bulk of robberies.
However, he noted that juveniles aged 11-19 years old are making up the bulk of arrests for recent robberies. Youth are also the perpetrators of many assaults in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill, he said.
Speaking about enforcement and prevention efforts against assaults, particularly in and around NYCHA developments, Fiorillo noted that “we’re seeing a focus on young crews and gangs [in city enforcement efforts] that doesn’t reflect the problem in Ingersoll and Whitman. Here, it’s more older individuals in their late 20s and early 30s who have criminal backgrounds and maybe were in crews back in the day.”
With that in mind, he said local police are “focus[ing their] attention on removing those actors.”
The next 88th Precinct Community Council meeting will be Tuesday, November 17 at 7pm, location TBD.
The next meeting of the Public Service Area 3 (housing police) is Wednesday, November 4, at 585 DeKalb Avenue.
CompStat reports are produced by the New York Police Department on a weekly basis. We publish the week’s statistics for the 88th Precinct reports every week. The 88th Precinct is the police command that oversees Fort Greene and Clinton Hill.