86th Street, Way Back In The Day [Photos]

Any street as dense and diverse as 86th should be expected to constantly change. While in recent years that change may have been faster paced than in the past, change has been a consistent constant for the strip for decades.

Sure, some businesses have stoically weathered the years, betraying their age in their faded awnings, the dated fonts on their fronts, and the timeless hospitality of another era, but for the most part 86th Street has seen great turnover — and certainly an increase in property values.

Below, a look at 86th Street way back in the day, in the early to mid 1900s:

86th Street and 22nd Avenue, circa 1915. (Photo via NYPL)
86th Street and Bay 17th Street, 1931. (Photo via NYPL)
86th and West 12th Street, 1931. (Photo via NYPL)
86th Street between 25th and 25th Avenues, with the elevated BMT line visible in the lefthand corner of the photo, 1935. (Photo via NYPL)
The Dime Savings Bank Bensonhurst branch on 86th Street and 19th Avenue, undated. (Photo via NYPL)