6th Avenue Is Doomed

Imagine walking up to this in your Monday morning, pre-coffee stupor. Handwritten signs (in blood red, of course) on 6th Avenue, between 20th and 21st Street, prophesied everything from doom and death to monsters and rats, stopping foot traffic as neighbors rushed by on their way to work and school.

We debated with local mom and comedian Carolyn Castiglia as to whether the drawing after “die” was a toilet or a fried egg. It does look like the guy at the top of the page is attempting to puke into the toilet, and if that is the case, we’ve definitely felt like death was on the way after some of our past drinking adventures.

Doom almost came for one passerby, as he was seconds away from stepping in a giant pile of poop. Thankfully, the signs stopped him in his tracks and he avoided a most unpleasant start to the day.

Spot any other frightfully fantastic Halloween decorations around the neighborhood? Send them to us at editor@bklyner.com, and we’ll post them to the site.