66th Precinct Community Council Meeting: Change Of Date & Location

Originally scheduled for Thursday, October 16 at the CB 12 office, the 66th Precinct Community Council meeting will now take place next Thursday, October 23, 7:30pm at the Royal Banquet Hall, 818 Coney Island Avenue, between Cortelyou and Ditmas.
As part of his push to make the Community Council meetings more accessible to all corners of the 66th Precinct’s command, the commander, Deputy Inspector Michael Deddo, (pictured above, wearing glasses), will hold the upcoming meeting at a location in Kensington, on Coney Island Avenue, and easily accessible to Ditmas Park, too.
Repeatedly Kensington residents have asked that the 66th Precinct and Community Board 12 hold some of their meetings in the outlying communities within their boundaries, so Commander Deddo is doing just that.
Here is your chance to voice your complaints and concerns directly to the commander and the precinct’s top brass, who all regularly attend the monthly meetings. The recent enforcement of Vision Zero at the Church Avenue/Ocean Parkway intersection and the New York State Department of Transportation’s proposed changes to make Ocean Parkway safer for pedestrians and cyclists fall under the jurisdiction of the 66th Precinct. Commander Deddo holds center stage and delivers a monthly report of the precinct’s doings, and takes questions afterwards — and notes. It’s a perfect chance to listen and comment. Kensington, let’s represent.