Deutsch To Host Town Hall On Making Neighborhood More Age-Friendly

I’m old, and I think the Sheepshead Bay subway station ought to have an elevator to make my life easier. Also, as a venerable tricenarian, I think kids need to be kept off my lawn and somebody ought to teach them some respect with those glowing doo-dads. Furthermore, dubstep sucks and isn’t music.

Older adults like myself have lots of opinions, and now Councilman Chaim Deutsch and the Age-Friendly Neighborhood Initiative are asking us – okay, not “us,” but the actual older adults in the neighborhood – to come on down to the Shorefront Y tomorrow and give input on how the area can be made more amenable to the needs of the aging.

Whether it’s more mobi-mats at the beach, ADA subway stations, or just comfy benches on popular strips to take a breather, the councilman and his colleagues want to know what you think would make the neighborhood better.

The event is tomorrow evening, April 28, from 7 to 9pm at Shorefront Y (3300 Coney Island Avenue, at the Riegelmann Boardwalk). Call (718) 368-9176 for more information, or to RSVP. Light refreshments will be served.