61st Precinct Deputy Inspector Carlos Valdez To Be MBCG Guest Speaker Tomorrow Night

Deputy Inspector Carlos Valdez, commanding officer of the 61st Precinct, will be the guest speaker at the next meeting of the Manhattan Beach Community Group (MBCG), Wednesday, October 22 at 8:00pm inside Public School 195, 131 Irwin Street at Hampton Avenue.
Valdez will discuss his vision for community policing as he begins his tenure at the 6-1. He will also talk about how he will enforce Mayor Bill de Blasio’s zero tolerance traffic and speeding plans within Manhattan Beach.
The MBCG encourages members of the community to attend and participate in their monthly civic meetings. For more, contact MBCG at (718) 200-1845 or manhattanbeachbrooklyn.org@gmail.com, or visit www.manhattanbeachbrooklyn.org.