Food Bank For NYC Offering Free Tax Assistance For Low-Income New Yorkers

BED-STUY/DOWNTOWN/SUNSET PARK – Tax Day is Monday, April 15. If you haven’t filed your taxes yet—and need help doing so—Food Bank For New York City has set up tax assistance sites across the five boroughs offering free tax preparation service to low-income New Yorkers.
Professional tax preparers staff the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) sites, assisting eligible New Yorkers in completing their tax returns and helping them receive their full tax credits and refunds.
Bilingual tax assistance is available at the sites for non-English speakers and staff will help immigrants without social security numbers obtain Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) so they can file.
Who Is Eligible For Free Tax Preparation Assistance?
Individuals who earned $30,000 or less with no dependents
Families that earned $54,000 or less with dependents
All eligible participants who would like onsite assistance must schedule an appointment by phone 646.981.6111 or online at
Below is a Tax Preparation Document Checklist. Participants must bring these items with them to their appointments:
- A photo ID—a state ID or driver’s license, for participant and spouse, if filing jointly (If filing a joint return, both parties must be present at the appointment)
- Social Security cards (originals or copies) or ITIN (originals or copies) for participant and anyone being claimed on tax return; or a letter from the Social Security Administration
- W-2s for all jobs held in the tax year and all 1099 forms paid in cash or personal checks. Participants must know their total income and deductible expenses for the tax year
- A sample check or a bank statement displaying the account and routing numbers (if participant has a savings or checking account for direct deposit)
- Form 1098-T if tuition was paid for post-high school education
- Form 1095-A if health insurance was purchased through the marketplace and participant was eligible for the premium tax credit
- If participant was a victim of identity theft, he/she must bring the IP-PIN (Individual Protection- Personal Identification Number) assigned by the IRS
- If claiming childcare expenses, the amount paid and the childcare agency’s ID, or the name and Social Security Number of the childcare provider
- Any other tax-related information received
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance sites will be open through Monday, April 15. See below for the locations and hours of the three (3) sites in Brooklyn.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Sites In Brooklyn:
Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Corporation, 1360 Fulton Street, Bed-Stuy
Monday – Thursday: 5:30pm to 9:30pm
Saturday and Sunday: 10am to 5pm
Center for Family Life, 443 39th Street, Sunset Park
Tuesday – Thursday: 12pm to 7pm
Saturday: 9am to 4pm
Food Bank For New York City, 356 Fulton Street, Second Floor, Downtown
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 12pm to 7pm
Tuesday: 10am to 5pm
Friday: closed
Saturday: 9am to 4pm
To learn more, go to