“Breaking Bad” Every Sunday at The Gate
Not having cable is great for one’s pocketbook and one’s general sense of superiority, but one thing it is not great for, you know, watching cable. Enter: local bars, which are stepping up as screening locations for various cable shows — earlier this year, Sheep Station was one of several joints showing Mad Men; Halyards (so technically it’s Gowanus) does the whole Sunday night HBO lineup.
And now The Gate (5th Ave and 3rd Street) is doing their part to keep the cable-less among us in quality TV: OTBKB reports that they’ll be showing Breaking Bad all season long (you still have to make the trek west for True Blood). Drop by the bar Sunday nights at 10pm to tune in — a $6 beer is cheaper than TWC.
Missed the season premier? Catch up here to get ready for Sunday. Or you could ask a fellow bar-goer to fill you in, which will either annoy them or become the opening for your future Vows column.
In the meantime, know of any other bars that regularly compensate for our collective lack of cable?