123 On The Park Studios Start At How Much?

Tim Thomas from The Q at Parkside, who’s always up on the latest at the south end of Prospect Park, has posted initial pricing for the apartments at 123 on the Park (also known as the former Caledonian Hospital). Units at the Parkside Avenue building (it’s between Saint Pauls Place and Parade Place) will start at $1,999 for studios, $2,299 for one bedrooms, $3,250 for two bedrooms, and $3,800 for three bedrooms.
We thought prices were getting a little wild around here, but then again, we still have two beds for less than the price of one of those studios. Bolstering the developers’ confidence in their pricing is likely the recent Prospect Lefferts Gardens hubbub at the Brooklyn New Development Frontiers conference, as well as last week’s article on PLG in The New York Times.
The ever-observant Tim also recently snapped a picture of the property just behind 123 on the Park, which we’re hoping, for those prices, will end up being a pool in the shape of a unicorn filled with water from the fountain of youth with an unlimited free Slurpie station on the side–and that it will be completed before the first resident moves in. If that’s not the case and a new building’s going up, though, 123 residents will likely be delighted with the thousands they paid for a soundtrack of bulldozers and hammers.
Are we crazy here? Okay, maybe we’re crazy because we still have a hard time getting past the whole former hospital issue… but to clarify, do you think 123 will get their asking prices–or might they be jumping the shark a little?
Photo via Brooklyn Visual Heritage