Shopping Cart Series: Smile And Say Color

When I first asked them to put me up on this site for the shopping cart series, the answer I got was, “You don’t have a story. You’re just doing your job at this store. Nothing too amazing about that.” I told them that although I’m employed in Sheepshead Bay’s Little Chinatown at this housewares store — the name of which I cannot read as it is written in the symbols of a Chinese language — and I may seem a little boring, I’m still quite colorful.

When this picture was taken, it was early spring. The temperature was still jacket-worthy and the flowers had not yet blossomed. The bright colors of my cargo made me stand out from the rest. Summer will soon be here (officially, that is) and my brightness will be outdone by the sun. In the meantime, I’m your shopping cart, bringing you a little color. No story, just a little color.