Open Thread Mondays: Criticism, Hurrah!

Some media bury any criticism towards them. At Sheepshead Bites, we’ll put it front and center.

This is regarding the controversial Voorhies Avenue mosque-in-planning. My initial reaction is this: saying I posted the fliers because they were “grabby” is ridiculous. That story basically amounted to “Hey, there are a couple fliers going around the neighborhood, and the opposition set up a website.” The headline was “In Sheepshead Bay Mosque Debate, Fliers Go ‘Round”. I know, WAY more “grabby” and sensational than, say, “Fraud Fliers Fan Fears!”

Now, there’s a lot more I could say. But before I go further with my own defense and criticism of Sheepshead Bites – and I have a lot in both columns – I’m curious to hear what you’ve got to say.

Your thoughts?