Sheepshead's Dirty Doc Sentenced To Six Years

After nabbing what’s believed to be New York States highest bail ever, a phony doctor was sentenced to six years in prison yesterday for lying to, drugging and raping patients in his Sheepshead Bay office.
“Doctor” Michail Sorodsky owned and operated the Holistic Skin and Spa Clinic at 2701 Ocean Avenue, where he posed as a medical doctor and boasted of his ability to cure cancer. But he was little more than a liar and a rapist, said prosecutors – and a jury seems to agree.
Sorodsky pled guilty to dozens of charges, including rape, sexual abuse and forcible touching. He was busted in 2007 following an investigation by then-Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, and in 2009 made headlines after courts slapped with him a record-setting bail amount of $11 million cash/$33 million bond.
Several patients faced sexual abuse at the hands of Sorodsky, who investigators say preyed on the Russian-American community, and he was charged for specifically raping one in 2006. According to the charge, Sorodsky gave the patient a liquid that rendered her unconscious. When she awoke, Sorodsky was naked and lying on top of her.
The phony doctor lured patients in with a guarantee for his treatments, then performed physical exams, drew blood and administered so-called medications. He charged thousands of dollars for the bogus treatments.
According to the Brooklyn Eagle, Sorodsky may walk free in three years, since he served three years of his six year sentence while awaiting trial. But Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will likely seek an order of civil confinement, a controversial procedure that allows the state to lockup sex offenders in mental institutions indefinitely.