Lost and Forgotten in New York

Thanks to Gowanus Lounge, I’ll be on the lookout this week for the historian, otherwise known as, Master New York Factologist Kevin Walsh.

Gowanus Lounge said that his trip is specifically to take another look at the familiar mural at the Sheepshead Bay train station. But will the historian be able to keep himself from stopping by Randazzo’s for some clam chowder?

It might be that he’s already paid his visit. Has anyone seen him around this part of Forgotten NY area? He might be a little lost, though, since based on this quote, it sounds like he might be wandering over on West 15 Street in Coney Island (of course, he’s not wanderng — he’s the authority on all things New York and even wrote a book):

Sometimes, NYC history can be preserved in the unlikeliest of ways and in the most unusual places. Take a large mural along West 15th Street in the shadow of the BMT Brighton line (B, Q) just north of Sheepshead Bay Road. The mural, entitled “Sheepshead Bay’s Historic Future,” depicts Emmons Avenue as it was in 1994 and how the artist, Faith Palmer-Persen (probably with the camera in the mural), apparently predicted the ways it would evolve.

Anyone in Coney Island seen Mr. Walsh? please point him over here.