Local Poets Showcase: Matt Deese, And Leona Garber

Local Poets Showcase: Matt Deese, And Leona Garber

This is our Local Poets Showcase, which will be featured here every Saturday morning. This week we have two amazing local poets: Matt Deese, and Leona Garber.

Photo via Flickr/Philip Dean.
Photo via Flickr/Philip Dean.

What do I see by Leona Garber

I look in the mirror and what do I see,
I see my Mothers face looking back at me.
I look in the mirror and what do I see. I see,
my brothers face. He looks just like me.
I look in the mirror and what do I see, I see

My dad smiling at me.

Photo via Flickr/RJ.
Photo via Flickr/RJ.

The Animals We Became by Matt Deese

We traveled off into a distant cruel land
We were all Boys then
Though we thought we were Men
And oh’ how fast our childhood came to an end
It was something in the land, destruction, & air
You couldn’t quite place it
But you new it was there
This seemingly Savage feeling that filled the atmosphere
It Coursed through our Veins
It changed the look in a Man’s Eye
It was almost like you saw yourself going Insane
Like you were watching the Boy in you Die
It got to you at first
It bothered you to know Your Actions put People in a Hearse
After awhile though
It Changed The Way You Thought
It Controlled You whether You liked it or not
They say Innocence is the first to go
It left out Fast
And MY did it show
When we left & came back home
We didn’t want to talk about it
We just wanted to be left alone
The People just Wouldn’t Understand
What it took to go from a Scared Little Boy to a Savage Man
It’s not that it even bothered us most times
I mean Was Saving You & Yours Such A Crime
There was No Real Remorse or Shame
It just Scared You sometimes to look back & see The ANIMALS WE BECAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!