Local Poets Showcase: Madelyn Krystal Hill, Leona Garber

Local Poets Showcase: Madelyn Krystal Hill, Leona Garber

This is our Local Poets Showcase, which will be featured here every Saturday morning. This week we have two amazing local poets: Madelyn Krystal Hill, and Leona Garber.

Photo via Flickr/Kasia.
Photo via Flickr/Kasia.

Without a Map by Madelyn Krystal Hill

Hearts dance to the music of spark-lit eyes
Minds know what has not yet been told
Visions draw where no rendering exists
Souls caress to the rhythmic color of smiles
The earth quivers to the scent of silent sounds
Breaths are stolen to the syncopated beat of an unwritten song
Then absence sends the body’s ocean ablaze
No map is needed for this journey

Photo via Flickr/Adobe Stock
Photo via Flickr/Adobe Stock

Click, Clack by Leona Garber

He sits in the basement on a shelf.
You see him as a dust collector.
I look at him and hear click, clank
Click, clank, click clank
I see a small child walking her dog.
Looking at him brings a smile to my face.