Final Windsor Terrace Greenmarket Of The Season Will Be Sunday, December 21

Final Windsor Terrace Greenmarket Of The Season Will Be Sunday, December 21
Windsor Terrace greenmarket jams

The final Windsor Terrace Greenmarket (11th Avenue, between Sherman and Windsor Place) for this season will be Sunday, December 21 – which means there are just two weeks left to stock up on winter goodies, like apples, baked goods, squash, and cheese.

The farms that will be at the greenmarket in the final weeks include:

  • Sawkill Farm, Dutchess County, NY- eggs and pasture raised and grass-fed pork, beef, chicken, and
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Gabby Stern, the market’s manager, also let us know they have lots of goods for holiday gifts, such as jam and preserves from Williams Fruit Farm, biscotti from Baker’s Bounty, and a variety of handmade and wrapped farm soaps from Sawkill Farm,  which come in such scents as lemongrass and peppermint. Plus, Gabby let us know there are copies of the New Greenmarket Cookbook, which has farmer profiles and seasonal recipes from some of the best chefs in the city.

For more information about the Windsor Terrace Greenmarket, you can check out its website, Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter.

The market is open from 9am-3pm Sundays until December 21, and textiles and compost are accepted from 9am-1:30pm.

Photo courtesy Gabby Stern