Ditmas Park: One Of The Top Places To Parent, Except Not?

Tot Lot in Spring

Brooklyn Magazine recently released Your One-Stop, Most Serious Guide to Brooklyn Parenting, including the best locations in the borough for enjoying time with your little’uns, how to get your friends with kids to hang out with you, and the top 25 tolerable songs for parents and babies alike. Ditmas Park doesn’t take up a ton of space on their lists–apparently we don’t have any of the best playgrounds, stores, or restaurants for kids–which is weird considering we’re #2 on their Neighborhood Power Ranking: Parenting Edition list (a full, ahem, five spots ahead of a notoriously family-centric part of Brooklyn that rhymes with Schmark Schmope.)

So, do you agree with the magazine’s estimation of the best parenting resources in Brooklyn? And if you’re a parent in the neighborhood, do you often find yourself venturing outside of DP for a decent place to take your tots?