Did You Lose A Bird? If So, Read This Post

The reader wouldn't let us post a photo. So I made one. Perty, perty birdie...

A reader wrote in:

We found a domesticated-type bird in the vicinity of Knapp Street, near the 7-11. It landed on our front stoop and we didn’t feel comfortable releasing it to fend for itself if it is someone’s pet, which we believe it is. Would you be able to post something on the Sheepshead Bites website about it? Since your readership is so vast, we thought we might somehow connect with the owner, but we don’t want to describe the bird or attach a pic because we want to make sure the real owner comes forward and is able to describe it themselves. Thanks so much!

If you think this is your bird – and remember, the real one looks nothing like that carrot-topped mess above – email nberke [at] sheepsheadbites [dot] com.