Brooklyn’s Massive Menorah At Grand Army Plaza Readies For Its Eight Nights Of Light

Brooklyn’s Massive Menorah At Grand Army Plaza Readies For Its Eight Nights Of Light
[L-R] Rabbi Moshe Hecht and Mayor Bill de Blasio at the 2015 lighting. (Via The Largest Menorah)

33’6″ of light and joy.

That’s the exact size of the menorah which is about to come to life at Grand Army Plaza to celebrate the eight nights of Hanukkah.

And a big celebration needs a big menorah.

The lighting of the impressive gold-colored steel structure will be held on each night of Hanukkah, beginning on Saturday, December 24 at 7pm. And since the timings vary, we recommend that you check the nightly schedule.

largest menorah
Via The Largest Menorah

“We’ve been doing this already for over 30 years,” says Rabbi Moshe Hecht, Director of Chabad of Park Slope. “We’ve seen so much growth. We have locals, but we’ve been getting inquiries from tourists as well. People will be coming from Germany, Canada, and all over the United States.”

Previous to this year, the structure in Grand Army Plaza was called “The World’s Largest Menorah,” however the naming had to change. The Forward explains the reasoning:

By decree of a Chabad-Lubavitch rabbinical court, Hecht must cede the title of “World’s Largest Menorah” to another candelabra, this one also erected by a Chabad rabbi, also in New York. That menorah is, in fact, six inches shorter than Hecht’s, but because it used the “largest” moniker first, the court said it owns the title.

Rabbi Hecht doesn’t seem terribly concerned. “This was never a serious issue. We’re way past that already,” he told BKLYNER. “We’re fully invested in this year’s Hanukkah. We’re focused on bringing joy to everyone.”

largest menorah
Via The Largest Menorah

While each of the eight nights is special, Rabbi Hecht is looking forward to Moshav, a world-renowned Jewish rock band, playing the first night. In addition, expect singing, dancing, Hanukkah gelt for the kids, and delicious hot latkes. In addition, Mayor Bill de Blasio will rise up on the cherry-picker with Hecht to light the menorah on the first night.

The rabbi points out that he believes the celebration is for everyone. “We welcome Jews and non-Jews alike,” he says. “We invite everyone — people of all different religions, colors, and ages. This is what makes it so special.”

You can view our video documentary of the eighth night of the menorah lighting from last year.

The Ceremony Rundown: Nightly Menorah Lighting at Grand Army Plaza
When: Nightly from Saturday, December 24 – Saturday, December 31 (times vary, so check out their daily schedule)
Where: Grand Army Plaza