Believe It! Sheepshead Bay Is One Of The Best Brooklyn Neighborhoods For Parking

Cars parked on Voorhies Avenue.
Cars parked on Voorhies Avenue. (Photo: Alex Ellefson / Sheepshead Bites)

It’s no secret that residents in Sheepshead Bay are fierce guardians of their neighborhood parking spaces. Numerous development plans have died in front of the community board when the proposals failed to include enough spots. And the community nearly ran city planners out on a rail when their presentation for the mayor’s affordable housing plan showed that it could eat away at parking availability.

It appears that the community’s vigilance has paid off. A new study by Trulia, the real-estate site, places Sheepshead Bay among the top ten Brooklyn neighborhoods where renters are likely to find an apartment building with parking. The study found that 15 percent of Trulia listings in Sheepshead Bay came with a garage or private parking spot.

Trulia Parking Map Brooklyn

In fact, almost all of Sheepshead Bay’s surrounding neighborhoods landed in the top 10. Brighton Beach came in first — renters stood a 30 percent chance of finding a home with a parking space. Manhattan Beach, Coney Island, Bergen Beach, and Marine Park also made it on the list.

However, a relative abundance of private parking doesn’t mean there are a lot of free spots on the street. While Sheepshead Bay didn’t fall into Trulia’s 10 worst Brooklyn neighborhoods for street parking — every one of those neighborhoods except Bay Ridge is in northern Brooklyn — our community still scored pretty low on street parking availability. Out of a range from 100 to 0, with 0 being the worst, Sheepshead Bay earned a score of 33.

Trulia partnered with Parknav, an app that helps drivers find parking spots, to determine how easy it is to find a space during peak times on weekdays and weekends. Check out this handy map that shows what Sheepshead Bay streets are the most likely to have an open spot.


While it’s doubtful that Trulia’s study makes parking spaces in Sheepshead Bay any less precious — perhaps the data shows that the community’s grit is paying off. What did Churchill say, again? “We shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”